
Television sources => Free to Air (FTA) Satelilte Television => Topic started by: DrSat on January 03, 2016, 08:14 PM

Title: Protect the feeds!
Post by: DrSat on January 03, 2016, 08:14 PM
From time to time, we have some members posting tuning information for temporarily unencrypted channels and wild feeds in the main FTA forum.

Please note that as we truly care about the FTA satellite hobby here at Satellite Home, please refrain from posting any wild feeds or temporarily unencrypted channels outside of our FTA Wild Feeds forum ( which has been configured so that members must first be logged in to prevent its content from being indexed by search engines.

Wild feeds being posted on any forum which can be viewed without being logged in quickly gets indexed by Internet search engines such as Google and often results in these feeds being scrambled for future events.  Over the years, feeds for a fair amount of events which were always unencrypted in the past got scrambled permanently once the information shows up on search engine results.

To ensure continued availability of unscrambled feeds, please do your part and Protect the feeds by NOT posting them in ANY forum which can be viewed without being logged in!  However, if the unencrypted channel that you are posting is already listed on public FTA channel listings such as our channels database ( then feel free to post it in the main FTA forum.

We now have a discussion in the FTA Wild Feeds forum ( on the many events which are now scrambled due to the actions of renegade forums such as Rick's.