You don't seem to know how satellite receivers and frequency work. Maybe you should study the owners manual of the Rainier receiver to see how it works. 9865 can tune to any frequency you want for c and ku band. This includes shifting to above 4 gig once the Democrat Marxist 5g weapons are fully operational. Bandwidth is bandwidth and there's plenty even with a smaller spectrum.
Dominic do you understand what 5g towers in your area can do to the cell structure in your body? The simplest way to explain it is this. Frequencies that high are dangerous microwaves. What happens to a hot dog when you put it in the microwave? It cooks it from the inside out. This happens to the human body too. These cell providers don't get it that 5 gigahertz frequency's are blocked by walls, trees and solid objects. Their solution to try to get signals to devices are to crank up power to dangerous levels to try to punch through solid object. This creates excessive radiation and heat that not only harms humans and wildlife but also been the cause for starting wildfires lately. This will be used as a weapon to eliminate non conformists. We live in scary times.
Now you may wonder how come satellite frequency's haven't caused any problems over the years. Its because the signals from 22,300 miles away are very weak when they hit your dish. That's how come you need a big reflector to collect this very weak signal to get it to your LNB. Your cell phone at 5g freqs and the towers in your area will cook you and that's the plan by the Marxist oligarchs. Their playing with fire and gonna get burned.